Product Development
Proof of Concept
REI pilots technologies in controlled environments and subsequently evaluates the results of testing to assess the viability of the solution before beginning the manufacturing process. The procedure of testing a solution is a vital step before placing it in production. REI understands this and provides a Proof of Concept (POC) V&V (verification and validation) service. Our team of engineers will closely inspect your proposed design to ensure that it corresponds with your requirements criteria. We will assist you in setting a budget and schedule along with developing an effective approach and proposal to implement your solution.
Rapid Prototyping & Reverse Engineering
REI utilizes enterprise-level software such as AutoCAD and Inventor to create exceptionally accurate 3-D models. This can be vital in the design process because technological advances have watered down prototyping to be as simple as having a CAD model and a 3-D printer. If you want a quality prototype, it isn’t that easy. Our experienced engineers can help you by creating 3-D models of existing parts, designing new parts to fit an existing system, and redesigning parts to improve performance. We accelerate the manufacturing process, saving you time and money while delivering high-quality CAD models. Our consulting team can further assist you in making modifications in your design and ultimately create a solution that’s right for you.